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How To Increase Conversions Online - With Examples!

No matter what industry you are in, you need to know how to increase conversions online.  In this article, you will see the various elements and different conversion considerations.  The examples will focus on eCommerce, affiliate marketing, and local marketing.

Next Steps To Increase Your Online Conversions

Now you have an idea of the elements and considerations for online conversions.  The next steps are to dive in further and improve your chances.

Below, you will find references to various resources based on your specific industry/niche.   

Increase Online Conversions For eCommerce

If you’ve come across this post on or before February 7, 2020 – I highly recommend you consider the Kibo Code.  You can see my review here or you can go straight to the sales page here.

One of the biggest challenges with eCommerce is the various elements to consider.  Trying to match a converting product with a consumer looking for that product takes skill.

You’ll need a blueprint at the minimum, but a full course to help walk you through it is better!  For 2020, the Kibo Code is the best chance at building an eCommerce store and finding success.  

If you’ve made it here after the close of the Kibo Code – make sure you sign up to get notified of the next opportunity (the Kibo code will not re-open, but other opportunities may come along).

Increase Online Conversions For Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing has many opportunities to make money – all from the comfort of your computer (and not necessarily at home).

I like affiliate marketing because I can share products, training resources, software, and information with others looking for those items.  I almost never provide a review if I don’t like the product (why waste your time).

While I got started with affiliate marketing years ago, I did not focus on it as a primary source of income until more recently.  It’s still not my primary source of income, but I feel like I provide a great value for those of you that need info about something before buying.

The way I got started was taking courses.  I’ve taken around 10…at least.  Thankfully, you can skip taking 10 courses and just take 1.  For now, I recommend you start with this free workshop here.

Increase Online Conversions For Local Marketing

Local marketing provides unique advantages for local business leaders.  This is your opportunity to show up in front of the customers immediately around you – and show up often.

The biggest problem with local marketing is that competition constantly increases.  Us digital marketers are making it harder and harder for small business leaders to do marketing on their own.  

It’s not on purpose.  We just build marketing for our clients, which forces competition to up their game – and the cycle continues.

If you are a local business leader looking for local marketing, it’s best if we have a discussion about your needs.  I recommend you book a free consultation with my team here (you’ll see me – Dr. Kim Christian on the page).

Picture of Dr. Kim Christian

Dr. Kim Christian

Welcome to Little Biz Resources!

I am Dr. Kim Christian. I run several websites and this one is for affiliate marketing and sharing resources.

I also specialize in digital marketing with an emphasis on Brand visibility and Search Engine Optimization.

On this site, I share information about strategy, resources, and recommended products.

If you ever have questions, I recommend you join and contact me through my Facebook Group.