One Funnel Away Challenge

One Funnel Away Challenge Is Back

The One Funnel Away Challenge from Russell Brunson starts soon!!

Getting great education on building a business, expanding your business, marketing, and dozens of other business topics is great.

The problem comes when we spend most of our time educating ourselves and not taking action.

That’s where the One Funnel Away Challenge comes into play!  Do you want to do this challenge with me?

**Click the link below for more information on the upcoming OFA Challenge.

Find Out More About The One Funnel Away Challenge Here

Focus On Implementation

During these “unprecedented times” (I know, we should really boycott that phrase), I’ve decided to shift my focus to implementation.  Why?  Well, after what feels like a thousand years in formal education plus the last 10 of those years included paid courses from “guru’s”, I realized I had way more education than implementation.

That’s always the problem with education – it teaches you the concepts…the CONCEPTS.  It doesn’t do the work for you.  You still need to take those concepts and implement them.

No matter what you learn, that education means almost NOTHING if you do not actually execute and take action. When you start taking action, you get results – good, bad, or indifferent…you get RESULTS!

Results unlock the journey to success.  So, if you want success, you need to take ACTION!

30 Days To A Live Funnel

Now, more than ever, is a GREAT time to have an online business – or at least online methods to build your business and communicate with customers/clients/leads/etc.

So, here’s my challenge for you:

I’m challenging you, for 30 days, to TAKE ACTION on your business and get your funnel built and launched.

It is the very same challenge that Russell Brunson gave to me – and I accepted!

It’s called the One Funnel Away Challenge.  It’s time we build that business (or next business) and get it done the right way, in 30 days.

Find Out More About The One Funnel Away Challenge Here

Overview Of The One Funnel Away Challenge

What is the 30 Day, One Funnel Away Challenge about?

The concept of “one funnel away” references the idea that you are “one funnel” away from building your dream business.  YOU define your dream business!

This challenge is ideal for any of the following (but not limited to):

  • If you want to grow a business online, but have NO IDEA where to start.
  • If you have a company that has been successful, but for some reason you feel stuck.
  •  If you are trying to figure out a way to REACH MORE PEOPLE, or figure out a way to make a bigger impact on the world.
  • If you are convinced that you need a funnel, but you aren’t quite sure what steps to take.
  • If you are about to launch your (next) funnel, and want to make sure it’s a HUGE SUCCESS.

If you are in any of those scenarios, then the challenge is a great fit for you!  
The challenge lasts 30 days.

You need to commit to about an hour a day, for 30 days straight!  Otherwise, you are less likely to get that funnel built.

The challenge costs $100, and if you choose the physical version of the plans, you’ll add on shipping charges ($19.95 US, $29.95 international).

While I don’t drink coffee…that’s LESS than a Caffe Mocha Tall from Starbucks each day for 30 days (I have no idea if that’s a reasonable size…but it was in the middle of the sizes).

You can build your first (or next) funnel for less than a fancy coffee a day. 

one funnel away challenge build a funnel

Think Of It Like A Workshop

Workshops tend to last for an extended weekend or even a week.  This challenge is much like a workshop because you take ACTION, but it’s spread out over 30 days.

Each day you get a video, mission, and then tasks to do.

Here are some of the topics we’ll cover:

  • Offer Sequencing
  • Offer Hacking
  • E-Covers
  • Publishing
  • Story
  • Squeeze Page
  • Sales Page
  • Order Page
  • OTO Page
  • How To Fill Your Funnel
  • Build Your Dream 100
  • Traffic
  • Paid Ads

Plus more.  All in 30 days.  I feel like I definitely overpaid for my formal education when I think of the concepts covered in this $100 challenge.  I paid more than $3,000 per course (and had to take A LOT of courses), and walked away with a title…but not a way to build a business.

With this $100, 30 day challenge, I’ll walk away with a new business.  Probably my most profitable business.  Are you ready to learn more and sign up for the 30 day challenge?  Click the link below to sign up and I’ll see you when we get started on June 1st.

Find Out More About The One Funnel Away Challenge Here

traffic secrets book

About The Author- Dr. Kim Christian

Dr Kim Christian

Thanks for taking the time to read my content!  I am Dr. Kim Christian, but the only person that calls me that is my daughter when she’s pretending she’s opening a business!

Most people just call me Kim (or mommy when my daughter isn’t playing business owner).

My priority is to help other entrepreneurs and small business owners build sustainable businesses both “in the real world” as well as online! 

If you are looking to build an online business, check out my post : Free Webinars To Help You Build Your Online Business.

To Your Success,

Dr. Kim Christian


The quick version: I have a PhD in Business Administration and masters degrees in Emergency & Disaster Management as well as Criminal Justice. I am a mom to my amazing daughter first and then I focus on helping other entrepreneurs build and grow online businesses in ecommerce, affiliate marketing, online services, and more.

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