Cold Email Marketing Case Study

Cold Email Marketing Case Study

Cold Email Marketing Case Study (and Training)

Let’s face it.  The cold harsh reality of many businesses is the need to cold market.

A lot of people make it seem like cold email marketing is “spam”…and honestly, a lot of it is!

But it doesn’t have to be!

Another cold, harsh reality – cold email marketing works!

Yes, I am guilty of spamming “back in the day”…and I did make money!

We won’t talk about that (ever), but we’ll talk about a modern, helpful way of cold email marketing.

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Naturally, I pick the BUSIEST time of the year for me (well, for a lot of people) to get started.  As with all of my projects started during Q4, this is taking longer than I expected.

On the other hand, it’s bound to be epic!  Not sure if it will be an epic success or an epic failure, but it will be an epic something!

I expect to have reportable results by mid to late November (2020).  If all goes as planned, the case study will be out by early or mid December (2020).  No matter what, you’re going to have to sign up for it!  I’m NOT sharing this information with just anyone.  You have to be part of the Little Biz Resources Family!

*Bonus: if I am even moderately successful, I’ll create a full (and free) training on how to do it.  Disclaimer: I do use tools (because it’s the only way to stay sane), but I’ll include the “free” method as well.

Sign Up Here!

Notice: If you sign up before the case study is available, you’ll go on the “wait list”.  If you sign up after it is available, I’ll send you a link to review the case study.

By signing up, you agree to receive marketing messages, tips, random musings, occasional jokes (or at least links to my daughter reading jokes), and other miscellaneous emails.  I’ll do my best to match you to your interests…but really…just delete what doesn’t apply and look forward to the next awesome email!